I love camping! It is one of our favorite things to do on the weekends. While we are camping a campfire and roasting marshmallows is a must! These Campfire CVC Mats are a fun way to have your students sort words by short vowel sounds. They are sure to be "Happy Campers" while doing this fun sort!
To prepare this activity, I first printed the short vowel campfire mats and the marshmallow picture cards. There are five campfire sorting mats and 6 marshmallow picture cards for each mat. I printed everything on white cardstock. I recommend laminating for extra durability. I then used my paper cutter to cut the marshmallow picture cards out. We were then ready for some Campfire CVC fun!
For this activity students spread out the 5 short vowel mats. They made a pile of the marshmallow picture cards and placed them face down. They turned over a marshmallow card and said the picture on the card aloud. Then they sorted the card onto the correct short vowel mat to match the middle sound in the word.
Picture cards for the short a mat: bat, cat, hat, sad, bag, map
Picture cards for the short e mat: net, vet, leg, web, bed, pen
Picture cards for the short i mat: pig, pin, bib, six, sit, fin
Picture cards for the short o mat: pot, cob, dog, cop, fox, mop
Picture cards for the short u mat: hug, sun, tub, gum, cup, bus
Camping Counting Mats // Fairy Poppins
Campfire CVC Mats // Recipe for Teaching
Camping Alphabet Posters // Literacy with the Littles
Camping Puzzles // Teach Me Mommy
Camping Telling Time Clip Cards // Sara J. Creations